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AI Factory was a computer vision startup that created Snapchat’s Cameos animated selfie-based video feature.  Cameos let users take a selfie, which were then automatically “animated” and inserted into a short video. The selection of videos was created with the whole concept not unlike the one underpinning “deepfakes” — AI-based videos that look “real” but were actually things that never really happened.

While deepfakes have strong dystopian undertones, Cameos tapped into the technology in a race for new — fun, lighthearted — features to attract and keep users.  The technology developed by AI Factory also included multiple AI business solutions based on image and video recognition, analysis and processing.   IP Jurists PC dratted patents that covered the technology developed by AI Factory prior to the acquisition and further developments post acquisition.  Today, under IP Jurists PC management, the initial patent portfolio has grown to almost 100 US and international patents and patent applications.